Cycling to Vienna and proudly flying the Lyon 2025 flag

The Lyon 2025 team brilliantly demonstrated its eco-responsibility values by cycling to the EuroGames Vienna 2024. Arnold and Cyprien embarked on this impressive journey of over 2000 km with a cumulative altitude difference of 20,000 m, crossing the French and Italian Alps, Switzerland, Germany and the Tyrol in Austria. Along the way, they were joined by Cédric, President of Lyon 2025, and Laura, Lyon 2025 Secretary.

28 July 2024
Team Marketing
3 min

An unforgettable experience

Setting off from Lyon to reach Vienne by bike is not a challenge that everyone would take up. However, for Arnold, Cyprien, Cédric and Laura, this expedition was an opportunity to prove their determination and team spirit. Despite the difficulties of the journey, they kept smiling and enthusiastic, showing that it’s possible to combine sporting performance with respect for nature.

Inspiring a sustainable future

The Lyon 2025 team didn’t just cover this distance for the pleasure of the sporting challenge. Their cycling journey symbolizes the values of eco-responsibility espoused by the EuroGames Lyon 2025. An inspiring example of what can be achieved with determination and commitment. By highlighting the values of eco-responsibility, they are showing the way towards a future where sporting events can take place in an environmentally friendly way. Join us in celebrating this vision and supporting sustainable initiatives at EuroGames Lyon 2025.

Eurogames Lyon 2025

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