Eurogames Lyon 2025

Become a Member

Become a Member!

Become a Member of Lyon 2025 Association

Join us! Membership is open to registered and unregistered clubs, associations, groups and federations active in sport and culture, who respect our values. Individuals may also join, subject to legal capacity and legal authorization for minors and persons under guardianship. Share our mission and be part of the EuroGames Lyon 2025 adventure!

As a Member, you’ll be able to take part in General Assemblies, discuss, contribute and decide on key issues for the organization. You’ll also have the opportunity to take part in events and conferences on issues of discrimination in sport, particularly with regard to LGBTQIA+ people.

What’s more, you’ll be able to promote your organization as a contributor to Europe’s biggest inclusive sporting event. As a Member, you will receive the EuroGames Lyon 2025 Newsletter and get discounts on EuroGames Lyon 2025 registration fees.

Open to clubs, associations and groups, registered or not, whose affiliated members are natural persons, as well as federations and umbrella associations of European clubs, registered or not, active in the field of sport and culture, who accept, respect and comply with the association’s values and mission statement.

Individuals with legal capacity, enjoying their civil rights, who have explicitly asked to join the association and who share the association’s objectives and values. Membership by individuals without legal capacity is subject to the authorization of their legal guardian or curator. Membership for minors is subject to authorization by a parent or guardian.

Join to become a Member

Membership is annual, with renewal in September. If you'd like to join us and become a member, don't hesitate to fill in the dedicated form.

Annual membership with renewal in September.

  • €6 per year for individuals
  • €12 per year for associations with 3 to 50 members
  • €24 per year for associations with 51 to 200 members
  • €36 per year for associations with 201 to 400 members
  • €48 per year for associations with 401 members or more

Eurogames Lyon 2025

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